Emergency Root Canal Treatment by Pearland Dentist

What You Need To Know About a Root Canal?

Emergency Root Canal Treatment by Pearland Dentist

If you have an abscess or infection that has reached your jaw bone and is causing severe pain (note: not all abscesses cause extreme pain, but they still need prompt attention.) you are in need of emergency root canal treatment before a root canal can take place. Once the abscess has been treated it is time to perform the root canal. The dental procedure for a root canal is a to remove dead or dying nerve tissue and bacteria from inside a tooth.


Emergency Root Canal Treatment by Pearland Dentist


What To Expect When Getting A Root Canal?

A dentist will first inject medicine (anesthetic) around the bad tooth which will numb the tooth and the surrounding areas. You may feel a slight prick when the needle is being inserted however the area will start to get numb very quickly.

Next, a tiny drill is used to remove the top part of your tooth and expose the pulp. Pulp is the part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and cells. Pulp supplies blood to a tooth and allows you to feel sensations such as temperature. It is found inside the tooth and runs to the jaw bone.

At this stage of the procedure your dentist will remove the diseased pulp. Once the pulp chamber and root canal of the tooth is cleaned and sealed, medicine may be placed into the area to make sure all the germs are removed and prevent further infection.

Now that the tooth and surrounding areas of the have been cleaned, temporary filling will be placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits. You may be given antibiotics to prevent any further infection.
The final step is, a gold or porcelain crown will be placed over the tooth.


How Do I Know When My Tooth is a Root Canal Emergency?

Emergency Root Canal Treatment by Pearland DentistIf you break your tooth, you should see your dentist, but if it’s a bad break, you may possibly need an emergency root canal treatment in order to sustain a new crown.

If you didn’t break your tooth but you’re in pain, you may have an infection and need an emergency root canal.

A root canal is done if you have an infection that affects the nerve in the root of a tooth. Generally, there is pain and swelling in the area. The infection can be the result of a tooth crack, cavity, or injury. An emergency root canal can save your tooth. Without treatment, the tooth may become so damaged that it must be removed.


  • Abscess
  • Loss of tooth
  • Nerve damage
  • Tooth fracture


After the Procedure

Many root canal procedures are performed to relieve the pain of toothaches caused by inflammation or infection. With modern techniques and anesthetics most patients report that they are comfortable during the procedure.

You will need to see your dentist after the procedure to make sure the infection is gone. A dental x-ray may be taken. Regular dental checkups are necessary. For adults, this usually means a visit twice a year.


Outlook (Prognosis)

The tooth may feel sore for a few days, but this discomfort should be easily manageable through over-the-counter painkilling medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin. If a crown has not yet been placed, try to avoid chewing on that side of the mouth until all permanent restorations are complete.

Alternative Names: Endodontic Treatment

Good News for patients with Root Canal Emergencies.

With improvements in local anesthetic and endodontic equipment (endodontic equipment is advanced equipment used for diseases of the pulp), having an emergency root canal treatment done today is a relatively painless procedure. Call to schedule an appointment today!